yup and we are at it again and we are not finished with business which means that we aren't done with the name of the man on the title because he is a machine and he isn't stopping going up this man for those of you who maybe don't know is considered to be the richest man in the world right now and some say that he is the richest man to ever live jeff is the CEO of amazon.com which is trending right now about getting him more wealth in few years. NO for real it's near future he is now is a billionaire with a maybe a 145$billion dollars and this number would be changed by the time i'm writing this why i'm saying that is because this man went from 100$ billion to 125$ billion to 145$ in a little amount of time and at the moment these days the talking is going wild for this man that he would be a trillionaire soon with all the sh** that the world is in now with giving his ex wife a ton amount of money jeff bezos is holding up very damn well and that is because.. will to be honest with you i don't know i don't have a cule i wish i had cause if i had maybe i wouldn't be writing this right now cause i will be having a hard time figuring out how to spend my money and off course i'm kidding maybe or not maybe it's a hard fact jeff is one of the first persons that invented the idea of buying things online way back in 1979 or something when he start amazon i don't remember the exact year but wow look how much cathing a trend early could get you being a trillionaire in a few years.. what can i say cause off course it's obvious when the whole world is locked up and every one needs food,laptops,phones....etc and everything is available online and there is a lot of stores online but what do you think would happen to the owner to the biggest one of them yeah exactly did you know it ? okay okay, I will tell you what will happen a lot and a lot and a lot and a lot amount of money will be happening.. that's the e-commerce people it's now or never be smart do smart decisions right away find the right mentor who actually did it cause jeff isn't available to teach you. get to tai and get it done and for those of you who don't have any idea of what I'm talking about go to the blog right before this one I will leave a link share it with who you care about. save up or borrow money I don't care what it is that you would be doing just do it I just got a mail from him saying that he will keep it open a little longer so don't miss out you will regret it