top demanded skills 2020 ( Hard & soft skills ) #10

#10.Investing money

- This is one of those high-profit skills that we usually do not acquire at school or from parents. Most of us have no idea how to invest money and there is a wide variety of options, including stocks, fixed deposits, mutual funds, real estate, etc.
• Once you have learned the basic principles of money investment and gained some practical experience in this field, you can start investing money for your own profit in the stock market as well as provide investment services to others.
#3 biggest money secrets ; 
1. Money is valuable when its used only, put your money to used , but don't lose your money, invest is not about losing its about using , to use your money in the right way 
2. All money is someone else's money not yours not mine , you earn it and multiple flows of income you have to if you to change the way you live 
3. Use the money to investment, only investing assets that are real and don't lose money again don't lose money

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